Being an elder never changed him. He's still the same arrogant swine he was when he was a publisher.
The Rebel.
let's face it when we find ourselfs in a tight corner, if we can be quick witted, and come up with a quick as a flash " quick witted" reply, we can defuse a controversial an embarrassing situation instantly.
for example oscar wilds wit is legendary and these comments could defuse any situation:-.
" i dislike arguments of any kind.
Being an elder never changed him. He's still the same arrogant swine he was when he was a publisher.
The Rebel.
let's face it when we find ourselfs in a tight corner, if we can be quick witted, and come up with a quick as a flash " quick witted" reply, we can defuse a controversial an embarrassing situation instantly.
for example oscar wilds wit is legendary and these comments could defuse any situation:-.
" i dislike arguments of any kind.
Let's face it when we find ourselfs in a tight corner, if we can be quick witted, and come up with a quick as a flash " quick witted" reply, we can defuse a controversial and embarrassing situation instantly. For example Oscar Wilds wit is legendary and these comments could defuse any situation:-
" I dislike arguments of any kind. They are always vulgar and often convincing"
" if one tells the truth, one is sure, sooner or later to be found out"
However, quick witted comments can have the reverse effect. For example imagine if I replied to a woman posters serious comments " women are meant to be loved not understood " I think that would get me a multitude of red tweets Don't you?
So what is my point? Well I love and admire quick witted replys, but on a discussion forum we have the opportunity, to not be so quick witted, we can consider our audience, before we post.
Why do I bring this up? Well I noted my O.P " Lennon and McCartney could so easily have been writing for the Watchtower " got two red tweets. . My tongue in cheek humor was therefore not appreciated. Did this make the O.P a flop? Well it made me smile, but my comments were not delicate enough to be appreciated by my entire audience. That was eye opening to me. The lesson I learnt was know your audience before posting.
So- here is my suggestion for this O.P, let's have laughter, it's one of the few good things in this gloomy world, it's the thing that keeps us zane. But real humor is a serious matter, it doesn't go for the cheap laugh and it doesn't offend.
The Rebel humor.
When I see a girl for the first time, what do I look at first?
A) Her eyes
B) Her hair
C) Her teeth
Answer: her husband.
How many positions do I know?
a) 1
B) 69
Answer:- 1 & 69.
Ok possibly humor will always offend some people, but then again so does religion. So let's let this thread be full of your humor, and hope it doesn't offend too many :-)
The Rebel.
gee reading my earliest posts, i feel i arrived here needing a head transplant.
of course we can't ban our earliest posts, and we can't claim we were misquoted, but then again think about it, many of us come here with geoffrey jacksons brains and mind control ruling our thinking.. so i looked back at my earlier posts, and i imagined the man i was who made them.
to be honest i hardly recognized him, i feel infinitely a better and wiser less pious now, however i i don't feel so clever nor do i have such a deep religious faith.. anyway, the thread was made because i have often read posters past threads in order to get to know them better, but it never occurred to me to read my own past threads, and i learnt i am glad i had the guts to make my earlier posts, but the person that made them is in the far distant past.
Getting back on topic, why did I O.P this thread baby talk?
Well as Witnesses our " baby talk" was the voice of our untrained conscience. Sadly our untrained conscience had its morals set by the Watchtower.
Then we join here, and many for the first time:-
A) learn to speak by there own moral standards,
B) They find there our own believe system,
and right or wrong we are suddenly no longer involved with " baby talk". However for many of us it's the first time we have expressed " independent thinking" which is something the Watchtower asked us to avoid at all costs. Therefore it is with practice and understanding from fellow posters, that we develop our own moral conscience, and our own belief system.
This obviously results in us finding a new direction in life. Could there be a more worthwhile past time than positively assisting each other in this regard?
The Rebel.
gee reading my earliest posts, i feel i arrived here needing a head transplant.
of course we can't ban our earliest posts, and we can't claim we were misquoted, but then again think about it, many of us come here with geoffrey jacksons brains and mind control ruling our thinking.. so i looked back at my earlier posts, and i imagined the man i was who made them.
to be honest i hardly recognized him, i feel infinitely a better and wiser less pious now, however i i don't feel so clever nor do i have such a deep religious faith.. anyway, the thread was made because i have often read posters past threads in order to get to know them better, but it never occurred to me to read my own past threads, and i learnt i am glad i had the guts to make my earlier posts, but the person that made them is in the far distant past.
Darknight757 " God will smite all who even have a rebellious thought"
The Rebel " Would this include thoughts of NOT paying alimony, if after 2800 years I decide to find a younger woman?
The Rebel.
witnesses are so anxious, stressed, highly strung..... so much for ones who are supposed to be "the happiest people"..... thoughts?.
Outlaw you speak the language no tongue can talk, and remain number 1.
The Rebel.
gee reading my earliest posts, i feel i arrived here needing a head transplant.
of course we can't ban our earliest posts, and we can't claim we were misquoted, but then again think about it, many of us come here with geoffrey jacksons brains and mind control ruling our thinking.. so i looked back at my earlier posts, and i imagined the man i was who made them.
to be honest i hardly recognized him, i feel infinitely a better and wiser less pious now, however i i don't feel so clever nor do i have such a deep religious faith.. anyway, the thread was made because i have often read posters past threads in order to get to know them better, but it never occurred to me to read my own past threads, and i learnt i am glad i had the guts to make my earlier posts, but the person that made them is in the far distant past.
According to the witnesses baby talk will cease to exist in the new system, but can you imagine attending a wedding where the groom is 188, and the bride 765 years YOUNG?
The Rebel.
witnesses are so anxious, stressed, highly strung..... so much for ones who are supposed to be "the happiest people"..... thoughts?.
Sparky1...your cartoon was so funny, keep it up and " Outlaw" is out of a job:-)
The Rebel.
gee reading my earliest posts, i feel i arrived here needing a head transplant.
of course we can't ban our earliest posts, and we can't claim we were misquoted, but then again think about it, many of us come here with geoffrey jacksons brains and mind control ruling our thinking.. so i looked back at my earlier posts, and i imagined the man i was who made them.
to be honest i hardly recognized him, i feel infinitely a better and wiser less pious now, however i i don't feel so clever nor do i have such a deep religious faith.. anyway, the thread was made because i have often read posters past threads in order to get to know them better, but it never occurred to me to read my own past threads, and i learnt i am glad i had the guts to make my earlier posts, but the person that made them is in the far distant past.
Gee reading my earliest posts, I feel I arrived here needing a head transplant. Of course we can't ban our earliest posts, and we can't claim we were misquoted, But then again think about it, many of us come here with Geoffrey Jacksons brains and mind control ruling our thinking.
So I looked back at my earlier posts, and I imagined the man I "was" who made those posts.To be honest I hardly recognized him, I feel infinitely a better and wiser less pious person now. Maybe because I no longer feel so clever/ right, nor do I have such a deep religious faith?
Anyway, the thread was made because I have often read posters past threads in order to get to know the poster better, but it never occurred to me to read my own past threads.
Its wierd we post from the inner depths of our soul, and some of us talk about our loneliness, our addictions, our fears, our hopes, and we put ourselfs on the line with strangers. I think that takes great courage, and is to be respected, it's a quality I admire.
How do you guys feel about your past posts? Do you read them? Do you recognize the poster that wrote them? Would you have done things differently now? ect ect...
The Rebel
my son asked me 40 years ago.
should we be glad adam sinned?
because if he hadn't, we would not be the person we are.. any opinions?
ucantome " Would we exist if Adam and Eve didn't sin?
The Rebel:- How did Adan and Eve sin? The story is they were told not to eat fruit from a tree or they would die? They were given a choice. So they didn't disobay God. Instead they exercised a choice they were given by God. Therefore please explain what was the Sin?
The Rebel.
witnesses are so anxious, stressed, highly strung..... so much for ones who are supposed to be "the happiest people"..... thoughts?.
stuckinarut2 " Why are witnesses so stressed?
The Rebel:-
A) He/ she becomes sixty and they still believe in fairy-tales.
B) They become pensioners with crappy pensions.
C) Armageddon is like waiting for that last tooth to fall out.
D) As J.Ws love a scripture to back things up, ( 1 cor 1-3) "they are being fed spiritual milk..." and whilst everybody loves a bald baby, living in a congregation where everybody is so easily offended, and you are competing with everybody to be the most super-pious, is very babyish and stressful.
The Rebel.